Village Services

Village council is composed of six members elected at large, for overlapping four-year terms. Each council member shall have been a resident of the village for one year prior to this election and shall hold no other public office, nor have any interest in any contract with the municipality, nor be an employee of the municipality. This council is the legislative authority of the village and is authorized to adopt ordinances for the exercise of police powers, provided such ordinances are not in conflict with general laws. The council must elect, from its own members, a president pro-tempore who serves for a one-year term. The president pro-tempore is acting mayor when the mayor is absent and becomes the mayor if the office becomes vacant. The president may vote on issues that come before the council while he is presiding in the absence of the mayor.

The mayor of a general statutory plan village is the chief executive and chief conservator of the peace within the municipality. He serves for a four-year term that begins on the first day of January after his election. He must be an elector of the village and shall have resided in the village for at least one year immediately preceding his election. He resides at council meetings but has no vote except to break a tie. The mayor is responsible to perform all duties prescribed by the bylaws and ordinances of the municipal corporation. He shall see that all ordinances, bylaws, and resolutions created by council are faithfully obeyed and enforced. He signs all commissions, licenses, and permits granted by the legislative authority or proscribed law.

The mayor’s office has a secretary who devotes time to the mayor, the police chief, the village administrator, and the fiscal officer.

Fiscal Officer
The village fiscal officer is appointed by the mayor upon a majority approval of council and serves at the pleasure of the mayor and council. The fiscal officer’s duty is to keep a record of council proceedings and the financial records of the village. The fiscal officer is responsible to record and keep minutes of council and committee meetings, prepare and maintain Resolution and Ordinances, and manage the records of the village. Financially, the duties include the responsibility for receipt, investment, and disbursement of all municipal funds and for personnel and payroll, income tax, and utility billings. The fiscal officer also assumes responsibility to process the daily activities in the finance department.

Village Administrator
Council creates the position of village administrator. The administrator is appointed by the mayor upon a majority approval of council and serves at the pleasure of the mayor and council. Management of the day-to-day operations of the municipal services and utilities is the prime responsibility of the position. However, he also assists the council in planning an directing municipal affairs.

Police Department
The Department consists of the Chief, a Detective Sergeant, six full-time officers, and auxiliary officers, a full- time secretary/receptionist, and a part time secretary. These dedicated peace officers operate two unmarked and five marked patrol cars providing service 24 hours a day throughout the year. Dispatch services are provided on an around the clock basis through Jefferson County 911 Center. Currently, the Department is funded through contributions from the General Fund and from small tax levy.

The magistrate is appointed by the mayor to hear and determine prosecutions and criminal cases in the mayor’s court that are within the jurisdiction of the mayor’s court as determined by state statute. The magistrate must have been admitted to the practice of law in Ohio, and have been practicing law in the state or served as a judge of a court of record in any jurisdiction in the U.S. for at least three years. He has the same powers, duties and authorities as a mayor conducting mayor’s court. Wintersville’s Magistrate Court convenes every other Thursday to dispose of cases. The mayor’s secretary also serves as the magistrate’s secretary. The Chief of Police serves as the clerk of the court.

Street Department
The Wintersville Public Works Department is responsible for road repair and maintenance, park and tree maintenance, and storm sewer maintenance and operation. In addition to the usual duties associated with this department, it is also called upon to perform a variety of other tasks, such as putting up flags and decorating or holidays and assisting the clerical staff in moving and storing files and furniture. Frequently, the department employees of Ohio Welfare recipients and occasional Community Services workers for labor-intensive projects.

Sanitation Department
The village maintains a full service sanitation department with two packers operated by a staff of four. Dumpster service is offered to all commercial and industrial customers at a varied price scale. Residential pickup is scheduled weekly.

Utilities Department
The Utilities Department consists of a water division and a sewer division. Each division is supervised by a lead man. The lead man for the water division holds a Class I Water Works while the lead man for the sewer division holds a Class III Wastewater Works and a Class I Water License within eighteen months of employment. Two employees staff the water division and three employees staff the sewer division. In incidents where additional labor is required, the street and sanitation employees assist the utility employees.
Wintersville purchases its entire water supply from Jefferson County. Therefore, because it is only a distribution system, it is not required to treat any water. The lead man does sample testing daily. A 250,000 gallon elevated tank stores water for the approximately 1,900 water customers.

Code Enforcement Officer
The Code Enforcement Officer is responsible for enforcement of the Village’s zoning and planning ordinances and building ordinances. He issues zoning permits for new construction, additions, exterior modifications, demolitions, home occupations, and signs within the Village. He is appointed annually by the mayor, upon the approval of Council, and serves at the pleasure of the Mayor and Council.

Planning and Zoning Commission
The commission is appointed by the mayor and consists of the Mayor, one Council Member and three citizens. The Code Enforcement Officer, Village Administrator, and Village Engineer serve as advisors to the commission. The commission is charged with the on-going duty of maintaining a long-range general plan to guide and facilitate the orderly and beneficial growth of the community and to promote the public health, safety, convenience, comfort, prosperity an general welfare of the citizens of the Municipality. More specifically, the purpose of these standards, regulations and procedures is to provide a guide for the change that occurs when land in acreage becomes urban in character as a result of development for residential, business, industrial or similar purposes; to provide assurance that the purchasers of lots are buying a commodity that is suitable for development and use; and to make possible the provision of public services and utilities in a safe, adequate and efficient manner.

Fire and Rescue Service
The Wintersville Fire Department, a private agency operating independently from the village is part of the 7 Ranges Joint Fire District and provides fire and EMS services 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, 365 days a year. 

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